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We have been very pleased with the performance of Market 2 Market representation.  They are a quality group who keep themselves very enthusiastic about our product.  I would tell you that whatever Cheryl tells you she is going to do, trust her she will do.  She is always putting out newsletters and other product information which is very effective in selling our product.  We have been with their company for 3 years and in that time have doubled our business, and they certainly contributed to our growth.  Their strengths are the people and professionalism and it starts at the top with Cheryl.  They listen and are open to ideas and always suggest to us ways to make our products more saleable.

In summary, the people make the difference and Cheryl has selected people that are effective.


Steven Soldinger

President, The Crispery

757 673-5234


It was a pleasure sharing with you the great experience of the Hawaii Food Expo. From the careful way you displayed the products, to the way you introduced all the lines to potential buyers it was a complete success. I also appreciated the way customers were attracted to the booth, and how they were professionally assisted and at the same time had their own space to review the products of their interest.


Your commitment and knowledge of each line was also outstanding, it created confidence for the customers, and I’m completely sure this will be part of the success on the next coming follow up.

Rubert Velasquez

TVT Tra de Brands Inc.
4113 Forest Dr. 
Weston FL 33332




Thank you for your frankness and standing by our brand. We are lucky to have you as a partner.

Cheers Chris.


Chris Muir ∙ Manager - North America

Wild Hibiscus Flower Company Pty Ltd.

Wild Hibiscus Flower Company Canada Ltd.




Market 2 Market is a tremendous resource for vendors looking to expand exposure in the food and gift market in the Western United States. Cheryl is a lovely, gracious communicator, and I've been very happy working with her and M2M.


Mi Ae Lipe 

What Now Design LLC   




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